Over my 8 year long video game career both working in Quality Assurance and Animation I worked on numerous personal animation shots, often with the help of animation mentoring from amazing teachers. This reel was put together in 2020 and showed some of my best personal and professional work at the time, it also landed me a job at Activision working on Call of Duty!

Mech Takedown. Personal Shot. Done with fantastic mentorship from Ricky Wood at iAnimate.

Bat Sniper and Desai Bot rigs by Kiel Figgins.

FX from Shadrak Guichard-Foster's Maya Viewport VFX Rigs Pack: https://gumroad.com/shadrakgf

Rendered in Arnold.

Practicing stitching different individual clips of mocap data together to create a melee combo.

Used free mocap data samples from Maya 2020's Motion Library. Used Maya's 'match relocater' in the time editor to match general foot placement and body orientation of clips.

Made with the help of Kiel Figgins HIK definition tool for his rigs.


Rig: 'Blackthorne' by Kiel Figgins

FX: Maya Viewport VFX Rigs Pack by Shadrak Guichard- Foster


Call of Duty: Vanguard